Our new electronic signatures - a how-to guide

It’s super easy to use our new feature - e-signatures. All you have to do is drag and drop the signature field onto any form. Learn how to create,...

20 Tips

20 Quick Time-Saving Tips For Your Private Practice

Feel like you're drowning in paperwork, emails, and forms? 😬 

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New feature: e-signatures now available!

E-signatures are now available! We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new feature. By adding e-signatures to our secure web forms, we’re...

Why it’s time to switch to e-signatures

Pretty soon, you’ll be able to add e-signatures to the web forms you build with Hush Secure Forms. There are many reasons to switch from pen-and-ink...

Mental health

Partner post: how to manage your social media

Just like your website’s blog, your social media pages also require a steady stream of engaging posts to grow. But where do you start? It’s important...