If you’re new to Hushmail, you might have a few questions about getting started with your account. We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls, as so many healthcare practitioners require immediate access to web forms and e-signatures.
We want to help everyone get back to helping their clients as soon as possible, so we’ve put together this post that’s full of the information you need to get started.
The information varies a little depending on what plan you signed up for, so we’ve separated the information into different plan types at the beginning of the post and concluded the post with information that pertains to everyone.
We hope this post answers most of your questions and helps you get started using our email, web forms, and e-signatures.
You have your own domain
Are you using the right domain?
Signing up for Hushmail with your own domain means you’ll be required to change the MX records with your domain registrar (see below), making Hushmail your sole email provider. All existing email accounts under your domain will no longer receive email from your previous provider.
If you are unable to change the MX records for your domain or don’t want to move all your email addresses over to Hushmail, you can instead use a subdomain of ours, such as yourpractice.hush.com or one of our shared domains (@hushmail.com, @hush.com, @therapyemail.com, @counselingmail.com, @therapysecure.com or @counselingsecure.com).
If you need to set up your account differently with one of the options above, then please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.
Have you set your MX records to point to Hushmail?
Here is a link to our help site where you’ll find instructions on how to set your MX records on the most popular domain registrars, such as GoDaddy, Squarespace, Bluehost, and others.
You require multiple accounts
Have you created the additional user accounts you need?
If you’re using your own domain or one of our subdomains (@yourpractice.hush.com), here are the instructions for adding a new user account:
Sign in to our webmail and select Preferences from the menu in the upper-right corner; click on the Domain tab. You'll then see a link to Add another user account.

If you're using one of our shared domains (@hushmail.com, @hush.com, @therapyemail.com, @counselingmail.com, @therapysecure.com or @counselingsecure.com), here are the instructions for adding a new user account:
Sign in to our webmail and select Preferences from the menu in the upper-right corner. In the Account type section, you will see a button to Add email account.

You have a plan with 5 or more accounts and web forms
Do you need to add e-signatures to your forms?
As you make the shift to a virtual office, you’ll likely find yourself needing the convenience of electronic signatures. Hush™ Secure Forms makes it very easy to add e-signature fields to your web forms and get them signed quickly. Here are a few videos and a blog post that walk you through the steps:
You have any Hushmail plan
Have you set up Hushmail in the email app of your choice?
If you currently use an email program like Outlook to send email, you don’t need to stop or get a new one when you move to Hushmail. Setup is simple. All you have to do is connect to your Hushmail account through our IMAP or POP servers.
We recommend choosing IMAP because it allows you to access any folder in your Hushmail account through your email program and manage your email and folders on our servers at the same time. Any changes you make to your email or folders in your email program will be visible when you sign in to our webmail.
The following links will take you to instructions to set up Hushmail in the email application of your choice.
Have you set up your Hushmail account on your phone?
Being able to take your Hushmail account with you anywhere is a great convenience you don’t want to pass up. We have an easy-to-use Hushmail for iPhone app, and you can also use Hushmail on your Android phone. Here are instructions on how to set up Hushmail on your phone.
Do you want to be notified that you have new email in Hushmail?
To set up an email notification, select Preferences from the menu in the upper-right corner of our webmail. Click on the Other email address section to set your alternate email address. Then click on the Email notification section to enable this feature. Once set up, you’ll receive notifications at your alternate email address, letting you know when you have new email in your Hushmail inbox.

Have you created your first form?
If you haven’t tried our form builder yet, you’re going to love how easy it is to build and publish a form. Here are some useful links to get you started with forms:
Still have questions?
Head to our Help site, blog, webinars, or feel free to contact us. Our Customer Care team is available Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

As you make the shift to a virtual practice, you might find you have questions about your new Hushmail account. Are you using the right domain? Have you set up Hushmail in the email app of your choice? Do you want to be notified that you have new email in Hushmail? These are just some of the questions to consider as you get started with your new account. We’re providing answers and resources so you can get started as soon as possible.
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