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8 Hushmail email and web form building hacks

Are you making the most out of your Hushmail account? There may be a few tricks that could take your online forms and emails to the next level. In this post, we’re presenting nine secure email and web form building hacks you can start using today.

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Are you comfortable using Hushmail and Hush Secure Forms? We’re glad to hear it. But there might still be a few things you could be doing to make the most of your account. Take a look at these hacks that will help you make your secure emails and web forms better than ever.

1. Save time in webmail with easy copy and paste feature 

Need to copy and paste an address in the To:, Cc:, or Bcc: field?

Just double click. The bubble around the address will fall away and the address will be highlighted so you can copy and paste as usual. 

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2. Customize your form’s email subject line

When your client completes and submits a form, it will arrive in your inbox with an email subject line. By default, that subject line will be the form title, but you may decide you want something different to show up in your inbox.

All you have to do is click on form settings at the top of the form and type your choice of words in the email subject field. 

If you want to pull information from the form, surround the exact name of the field with %’s. For example, %Appointment date% will pull out the date and put it in the subject line. 

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3. Even quicker than drag-and-drop - click!

When you need to include the same field multiple times, you don’t have to drag each field into your form. Just click the field that you want and keep clicking. 

With this technique, you can build a form in mere minutes.


4. Don’t forget to change the web address of your web form 

The web address of your web form should reflect your form’s purpose.

https://hushforms.com/raymond.rogers-intake-form will make more sense to your clients than hushforms.com/raymond.rogers200.

You can change the web address of your form by clicking on Change web address in the top right corner of the form builder. 

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5. Did you know that you can duplicate forms? 

Duplicating forms comes in handy if you want two similar forms and don’t want to create two forms from scratch. Build one form, and, when you have the duplicate form feature enabled, you can simply duplicate, make your edits, and publish as a second form. 

Contact Customer Care, and we’ll set this up for you.  

6. Use drafts mode when you’re updating a published form

Making edits in drafts mode is helpful if you want to make changes to a published form but don’t want them to go live right away.

As you’re making your edits, make sure you always save as a draft. Don’t hit publish until you’re sure you’re ready to show your changes to the world.

7. Add e-signatures to your forms

You no longer have to sign up for an extra service to add e-signatures to your web forms. We’ve built an e-signatures feature into Hush Secure Forms so it works seamlessly with our encrypted email and forms. Check out how our electronic signatures work, and consider adding the feature to your plan so you can handle all aspects of your forms with one service.

8. Get a month free

Did you know you can get a free month of Hushmail just by paying annually? Sign up for an annual plan and save. Already have an account? Contact us to make the switch.  

Don’t have a Hushmail for Healthcare account?

Sign up for Hushmail for Healthcare today!

Are you making the most out of your Hushmail account? There may be a few tricks you don’t know about that could take your online forms and emails to the next level. In this post, we’re presenting eight secure email and web form building hacks you can start using today.

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