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How our secure message center works

Our message center is the communication hub between you and your clients. There they can send and receive secure email and web forms from you, and they can reply securely. In this post, we’re walking you through all the features, so you can answer any questions that your clients might ask about receiving and sending messages.

You signed up for a Hushmail account so you can communicate securely with your clients through encrypted emails and web forms. Your clients probably don’t have Hushmail accounts themselves, and that’s OK. That’s where our secure message center comes in. 

Our message center is the communication hub between you and your clients. There they can receive secure email and web forms from you, and they can reply securely. The message center is simple to use, and, most importantly, it’s secured with several security measures that ensure the privacy of your communications. 

When you explain to your clients why you’re using Hushmail, it helps to have a thorough understanding of how the message center works. In this post, we’re walking you through all the features so you can answer any questions that might come up from your clients. We’ve even included a PDF that you can send to your clients explaining exactly how to use it. 

Accessing the secure message center

When you send your client an encrypted email, your client will receive an email with a link - Read your secure email. That link will take them to a secure web page where they’ll be invited to sign in with an existing account, such as Google, Microsoft, or Apple. Your client will then be able to securely read and respond to the initial message, as well as any future encrypted messages you send. 


Secure message center features 

Several important key features give you and your clients the necessary balance between security and convenience.

  • The inbox allows your clients to easily check for new messages
  • You can write a new secure email to your practitioner using the “Compose” button on the top left of your message center screen.

Message Center screenshotMessage center

Introducing your clients to the message center

Once you’ve decided to start using Hushmail to communicate with your clients, you’ll want to explain to them why you’re using our services. You can assure them that using the secure message center is easy. 

We’ve put together easy-to-follow instructions that should answer your clients’ questions and set them on the right track to exchanging encrypted messages with you. 

Download the instructions

Need a Hushmail account to communicate securely with your clients?

Sign up for Hushmail for Healthcare

Our message center is the communication hub between you and your clients. There they can receive secure email and web forms from you, and they can reply securely. The message center is simple to use, and, most importantly, it offers several important features that give you and your clients the necessary balance between security and convenience.

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